Good enough

Why am I not good enough? What didn't I do right? Did I show too much of my true self a little too soon?

I realize I'm not perfect. I know my flaws all too well. But seriously, are they so terrible?

Am I a somewhat quirky guy? I sure am. Thank God I am... the thought of me being conventional scares me deeply. Why can't you see that's a good thing? I can look at things in a different way...

You don't take chances, do you? You think your standards of "normality" are better.

Yes, I'm new at this. So what? I might be even better than anyone else before me, for all you know. Who knows for sure? You sure don't know me, if you're not willing to give me a chance.

Or maybe... maybe you're right. Maybe being different IS a bad thing. Perhaps I should be more like the other crowd. Who doesn't want to fit in in the world?

You know what? I was wrong. All those things I said: ignore them. You were right all along. Those that I like to call strengths are actually useless oddities. That's certainly not cool. Where are the real achievements?, you know, the ones that really matter in this world.

I'm sorry. I'm not what you need. What can I do? I don't think I can change some of those things. It's not lack of willingness... I just can't.

I'm really sorry I wasted your time. You're right not to like me. How could you do it? You don't have to worry. You won't hear from me anymore.


Florence dijo…
You've got mail.
JuanT dijo…
Me imagino, que todo esto no es tan simple como se muestra. Perdon, no fue "simple" la palabra correcta, me parece que no es tan rápido y lineal como lo muestras, entre la ruptura y el momento de aceptarla pasa mucha cosa en el medio, pero en resumidas cuentas, es lo que pusiste si.

Buen texto, me gustó

Martín dijo…
Flor: mi respuesta personalizada (how cool is that?)está en tu mail.

Juan: me alegro que te haya gustado.

Ahora, necesito aclarar que el texto no lo escribí pensando en lo que piensan. En realidad mi punto de inspiración fue otro, y luego lo acerqué sí, a algo parecido a un rompimiento (aunque nunca pensé en uno en sentido estricto). Pero el texto es ambiguo a propósito.

Era un poco la idea, que cada uno le diera el contenido que le pareciera más interesante/cercano/natural, anyway.

Gracias por comentar.

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